Lettre ouverte à la direction et au CEO

Des camarades de Barcelone nous ont informé⋅es qu’une lettre ouverte avait été écrite et circulait déjà dans leur bureau. Avec leur accord nous vous proposons d’ajouter votre signature, quel que soit votre bureau de rattachement.

Open Letter to the Management and CEO of Back Market
October 2, 2024

Dear Management and CEO,

We, the employees of Back Market, wish to express our strong disagreement with the recently announced Office Policy 2.0 and the process that led to its implementation. This new policy significantly impacts all employees by reducing our flexibility in choosing our working locations and fostering an atmosphere of mistrust and active monitoring. It is concerning that many of us had little to no voice in the discussions surrounding this policy change.

We urge you to consider how these recent decisions align with our core mantras. For example, “One Team, On Time” emphasizes collaboration and mutual care. “Humble Heart, Dirty Hands” highlights the importance of compassion and respect among colleagues. “Say it straight, hear no hate” underscores the value of open feedback and participation in our collective mission.

It is difficult for us to reconcile these unilateral, top-down decisions with our core values. While our mantras advocate for cooperation, teamwork, and respect, the recent changes seem to diverge sharply from what Back Market stands for.

We believe that if these changes remain, they will considerably undermine not only one of Back Market’s most valuable assets: our Company Culture, but also the mutual duty of trust and confidence between employer and employee, ultimately affecting our mental well-being. We respectfully request that you withdraw the recent changes and reinstate the previous policies while engaging in a participative and fair discussion with the entire Back Market community regarding this matter.

If there is compelling evidence or belief that a return to office-centric work is essential for Back Market’s growth and mission, we are confident that together we can develop a new set of policies that support our objectives without compromising our core values.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Workers at the Barcelona office, and more

Le formulaire de signature est géré par Solidaires Back Market. Nous ne révèlerons pas les noms des signataires. Tous et toutes les Back Makers sont invité⋅es à signer quel que soit leur bureau.

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