Counter-Town Hall on Friday, October 11

Solidaires Back Market regrets the top management’s decision on remote working and its monitoring, taken against the CSE’s advice. That decision goes against the stated values of BM and puts colleagues in a difficult position. We are calling for a moratorium and real negotiations, to get new rules that fit our needs.

We organize a counter-town hall meeting online this Friday, October 11, at 12pm, to:

  • Share the impact of the new rules on our lives,
  • Hear members of the Workers’ Council (CSE) explain the scandalous way management asked for their advice and then ignored it,
  • Hear Marc, a Solidaires union representative at Ubisoft, talk about the fight at his company against the same new office policy
  • Discuss together the next steps to take to force management to drop the new policy.

Download our full annoucement (PDF).

In the meantime, you can:

  • Contact us if you are directly affected by the new rules, to share your anonymous testimony,
  • Subscribe to our newsletter to stay informed,
  • Join us to participate in the discussion.

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